OTR Driver Health & Wellness
The problem, impact, and solution

The Solution:
The combination of being sedentary, eating on the road, and limited access to medical providers while working as an OTR driver creates a trifecta that is bound to create some health risks. However, you have the ability to provide your drivers with proactive health programs and intervention programs to help extend the life of your drivers and reduce health risks that commonly take drivers off the road. We invite you to learn more about our programs and how we can support a happier, healthier fleet. Register below to speak with our Health & Wellness Manager, Lindsey Bryan, about how you can start offering these programs TODAY!

While the challenges of the industry and the risks are clear, the results of our programs are reassuring.
While participating in our 12-week Healthy Habits program, drivers lost an average of 9.35lbs. Nearly 80% of participants reported beneficial changes in other metrics such as blood pressure, A1c and cholesterol. Additionally, 89% increased their activity levels and were setting more specific health and wellness goals for the future. More importantly, the percentage of participants who reported feeling that they gained a support system in their health and wellness journey was 100%. Of the drivers who actively participate in Rigs without Cigs, a nicotine cessation program, 60% are successful in quitting and remaining nicotine free.
“I never thought I could feel this good about myself and my future” said Shaun, a participant in the Diabetes Prevention Program and St. Christopher Fund Ambassador. We appreciate you allowing us to support your OTR drivers in their health and wellness journey, and look forward to learning how we can help!