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Our Drivers’ Testimonies

These are real driver testimonies from truckers who have received financial assistance from St. Christopher Fund. Please read through them and see the positive impact we have had on their lives! If you want to submit your own story, please submit below:

I had just returned from a Texas run, and was scheduled to reload for the same customer, I woke up the morning of Aug 1st, virtually paralyzed from the waist down. My wife took me to our chiropractor, but I knew something wasn’t right. She took me to the VA in Madison, WI, and before we arrived I was in and out of consciousness from a MRSA attack. I spent 2 1/2 months under hospital care, and was close to losing my house. SCF kept us in our home and I can never thank them enough.

Huck N.

On June 2nd my husband was diagnosed with stage 5 chronic kidney disease, heart failure, and other heath issues. He can no longer work. Hearing what the doctors said was heartbreaking! He was always a hardworking husband and father whose loving, kind, and generous to any soul that he comes in contact with. It’s been so hard for our family dealing with insurance, bills, rent etc. but thanks be to God for St. Christopher Truckers Fund who reached out to my family and I with open hands and their hearts full of love and it took some burden off our hands! Like I mentioned earlier it’s tough! However God placed this awesome and loving charity in our lives and we appreciate them so much from the bottom of our hearts! Thank you St. Christopher Truckers Fund! God bless y’all in everything that you do for ALL

Irene T

We want to thank the St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund organization for being a big help in keeping my family from losing our home. As an OTR commercial driver not being able to drive due to my recent brain aneurysm and other health issues has put a big strain on our finances. It’s been a tough journey for all of us but because of your help it’s made it less of a hardship. Thank you from the Escriche Family

Michael Escriche

To say we are so thankful is an understatement. St. Christopher Fund helped us with our mortgage and car payment. They will never know how much their generosity means to my wife and I. These people are angels in disguise. Thank you!

Charles G.

I am really grateful to the St. CHRISTOPHER relief fund for truckers. They were there for me and my family when I needed help. Thank God there are still people like these. God Bless You.

J. Contreras

Good evening!  I hope that this finds you all doing well this evening.  I just wanted to “pop in” and say that my husband and I have filled out an application with your organization.  You have helped us in the past and unfortunately, we are turning to your organization again for additional help.  I just wanted to say that no matter the outcome of your decision on our application, THANK YOU!  Thank you for being there for people who are in need of financial assistance!  Like I said, you were there for us before and you took a HUGE weight off our shoulders and I can’t thank you enough for that.  I thought that things were going good this year and then bam!  This happens!  It seems like there is always something going on and a person can never get caught up!  At any rate, enough about that!  I just wanted to say thank you again, for not only offering this service to truck drivers and their families but for being there for people in their time of need!!

Roxanne G.

This is my second battle with a rare cancer. In 2009 at the age of 29 I was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma. Only 20% of adults ever develop this type of brain cancer. I had a tumor in my cerebellum the size of an egg. Fast forward 15 years later 1/31/2024 I was diagnosed again with a rare cancer. Stage 4 esophageal cancer known as adenocarcinoma. I don’t know what my story looks like from here going forward. I am on chemo, immunotherapy, and iron infusions. I am going to manifest that 2024 will be my best year yet!

Jonathan S.

My husband was a truck driver he was delivering his load in Alabama and started not feeling so good his face started swelling and said he thinks he needed to go to the hospital. When he got to the hospital they put him on oxygen. Found out he had double pneumonia and congestive heart failure and a blood infection. With in 3 hours of getting to the hospital they put him on life support and he stayed on that for two weeks and today they took him off life support and he passed away

Cheri S.

I’m 62 years old been driving the last 30 years. In September of last year 2023 I was hospitalized with heart failure. Diabetes. High blood pressure 230/180. I had no idea I had these problems. I’ve been running a drop-deck trailer nationwide with no problems until I just couldn’t physically do the flatbed loads anymore. That’s when I sought help. I had short term disability 3/months it’s run out. I’m still unable to work. Insurance will be canceled soon. It’s only me I’m not married no kids to help. My med card is suspended. I’m on this website looking for help.

Russ S.

Thank you to St. Christopher and its donors, you have made a stressful and unexpected time in my life easier. The funds provided to me has paid for my mortgage and lot rent. I am extremely grateful that any phone calls I made and emails I sent were responded to promptly and kindly. The whole process was made simple and easy to navigate. Thanks again!

Scott D.

Team driving out on the road, getting to see this beautiful country and all its glory, life was so good. In an instant that was all changed by a stroke. All of a sudden the guy who helped others was now forced to ask for help for himself. Thank God for St. Christopher’s Trucker Relief Fund! Hospital bills were coming at me hard and fast and I had no income. I was afraid I was gonna get behind on my mortgage and lose my home I worked so hard building. SCF stepped in and gave me some breathing room by paying my house payment for a month and letting me focus on my health and I am so thankful. God bless SCF and all who donate to help truckers like me.

George M.

One day while driving listening to Road Dog trucking on XM satellite radio I heard a commercial about St. Christopher’s Trucking Relief Fund. The curiosity struck me and as soon as I stopped driving for the day I went to google and looked up what St. Christopher’s was all about. The section on their website about Healthy Habits and classes for drivers spoke to me like a spiritual experience. I immediately filled out the forms online form to attend a virtual class and the very next day I received a phone call from Lindsey to complete my registration. I had no idea what was about to happen over the course of the next 12 weeks. To my surprise the information given to me was so easy to understand and digest mentally that it sparked a wire in my brain that I didn’t know was still there. Hearing the stories of the struggles that other drivers were going through was the key that unlocked all the motivation for me. I slowly began to have hope and motivation to want to achieve new goals and lifestyle changes for the better. The other piece of all of this was that Lindsey is there via email or text 7 days a week to answer ANY questions that a driver may have. This program is so well put together and the knowledge that Lindsey has is incredible.


St Christopher’s helped me pay some of my bills after I had to have one of my kidneys removed because of a tumor. They were east to work with and quick to help. They made my recovery a bit easier. Thank you St Christopher’s

Tracy M

Hey I’m doing great thank you. Wow 10 months ago, nice. All I know is that the day I quit on January 17th. 2022 that I am healthier, I have more energy and I have money in my pocket. After 2 months it flew by and I didn’t even think about it anymore. Thanks for the help. This program has changed my life around on being tobacco free.

RWC Participant

I reached out to St. Christopher’s Truckers Relief Fund because my husband Jim has cancer in his throat. Jim is a semi truck driver and I was looking for a way to help pay for the treatment expenses by asking permission to post a go fund me link to St. Christopher’s website.

The whole community at St Christopher’s are a blessing. We submitted some of our household bills and St. Christopher’s paid those bills. That in itself is a big help. I would recommend St. Christopher’s to other truckers in need, for this reason, they were quick to respond and helpful with information for other resources too.
God Bless this organization.

Fran M.

Thank you by the way for the conversation. It makes a person feel more like a person than just a random number


Driving Down Diabetes has been part of my life for the last 3 years. If you can invest 30 hours a year in the rest of your life, you can do it right here with DDD and get healthy!


I even quit carrying a back-up pack (mental thing) if that makes sense. Absolutely No Cravings.


I just want to say thank you guys so much for your help. I really needed it. I’m a so grateful and appreciative for the assistance you have provided.

Christopher M

I love that our new pickup we bought in December doesn’t stink. The compliments of people saying I smell nice and it is the same lotion I have been using. Apparently, the cigarettes just always covered the lotion. My pulmonologist appointment, I was told “wow, I don’t hear anything.

RWC Participant

I would like to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart to St. Christopher Truckers Fund. Being a trucker you are accustomed to making a certain amount of money and being able to take care of everything you need as well as assisting others. Sometimes the unexpected happens and even with all the planning and saving it just may not be enough. An online search and reading about them and what they do, led to my rent and lights being paid. It was not a long process and they were understanding and didn’t make me feel bad for applying for help. Thanks to St. Christopher’s my lights are on this month and my rent is paid. Once I am cleared to start back working I plan on donating so the next trucker will have the opportunity to receive help like I did!! Thanks again St. Christopher Truckers Fund!

King Paul

It was rough in the beginning but make it through the weeks now months and it’s getting easier. Looking towards a healthier me.

RWC Participant

I would like to thank you with all my heart. All the years I drove trucks I never knew there was a charity that helped & cared about truck drivers until I reached out to the red cross for help. The red cross sent me a list of charities for possible help, after making several contacts on the list I was at a dead end until I reached out to you, at St. Christopher Truckers Fund. After being a truck driver 27 years, and then getting injured unexpectedly & told you my not be able to drive commercial trucks again is devastating. Then to work for a company and find out months later they don’t care about your well being is awful. You have literally given me a little hope back into my life. When you’re a truck driver over the road it’s hard to have a social life or keep up with the latest trends and it can be lonely & you lose little touch of life & connection. Being on the road for weeks & months at a time and  knowing you have someone there in your time of need feels good, and I’m so glad I found St Christopher Truckers Fund. Now that I know about you, when I’m able to get halfway back on track I’m going to make it a priority to donate & get others to donate to St Christopher Truckers Fund.

Julianne I

I’ve been with the program [DPP] for about 2 years now. Having never done a diet in my life, I’ve learned quite a bit with this program. You learn the things that help keep you healthy and keep your sugar down, keep your heart healthy, and keep you motivated.


He wasn’t taking care of himself. Especially after his dad passed away.  I’m not sure what finally clicked.  I had told him that I was worried he was on the same path as his dad.  And then he came across St. Christopher’s and he’s been doing so much better ever since. I just wanted you to know how far he has come.

Driver's Wife

The things they teach you will give you the power to take control of your health.


The people at the St. Christopher organization are truly angels sent from heaven. I was in a near fatal motorcycle accident on July 1st broke hip fractured lower lumbar had to be air lifted. After surgery I was sent home shortly after that the depression set in! I was told about the St. Christopher foundation, and applied for help immediately and they came threw with quickness! Really relieved that I’m not going to be homeless, and will be able to get back to work and not be drowning in mortgage debt! THANK YOU GUYS FOR HELPING ME AND MY WIFE!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!

Nathen K

I’m realizing diet doesn’t mean going hungry.  It starts with being informed so you know when to stop eating instead of just doing it because you’re bored.


If it wasn’t for The St Christopher Truckers Relief  Fund, I would have been in a very bad way. Covid and the aftermath of health problems it created for me took its toll.Thanks to them at the Fund, I am healing well and getting back on the road soon. I’ve always put some thing in the donation can over the years and will continue to do so in the years to come. They were there in my time of need and I am forever grateful.

Thomas M

In the past year, I had to have surgery on my foot which put me in rehab. During that time, I applied to the St. Christopher’s Fund for help paying my bills. The girls in the office went out if their way to assist me, get all my paperwork in order and get the assistance I needed. My trucking days are now over thanks to Covid 19 attacking me and nearly killing me, but, I survived and I finally got the strength back to tell them how much I add appreciated their help, twice!
Thankyou so very much and may God Bless you and the St. Christopher’s fund. You saved my life.

John T

Can’t believe it’s been a year. Time flies so fast. I feel great since I started taking control of my health, and I have you and St. Christopher’s Fund to thank for it! I know I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t reached out to you. I can’t say thank you enough! 


On 15 February, my husband had surgery on his right elbow. Due to his painful recovery, he was expecting to be out of work for a month. Thankfully, St. Christopher’s Trucking Fund was able to assist us in the application process and we were approved! Now our mortgage and other utilities are paid and the worries are gone. Thank you Jesus for sending this wonderful organization our way and thank you SCTF for all you do to help trucking families in need! God bless you all!

Anna S

In November 2021, I had my first heart attack. On December 27, 2021 I had a second heart attack. (I thank God I was close to home when this happened). I was sent to CRMC, and was there for 4 days. I learned I had three blockages. The widow-maker a 100% blocked, another 80% and a third 70%. With the front part of my heart being damaged they were afraid I wouldn’t make it through surgery and they didn’t have everything they needed in case something went wrong. So on the fourth day I was sent to VUMC. There I was told the only thing that had kept me alive was that 4 new blood vessels had grown around my heart. (God is a way maker) I was there till January 11, 2022. As the doctors were trying to decide what was best to do. They wanted to do open heart surgery. But that was out cause the front part of my heart was too damaged. Nothing for them to attach to. Next step either stints or heart transplant. The decision was made to go for 3 stints. My heart is only at 20% and the doctors want to get it to 40%. Now, I do cardiac therapy 3 days a week. I also found out within a few weeks of coming home that my eyes were not so good. I was sent to Eye Centers where I was told I have bleeding behind my eyes. My left eye worse than my right. I now have to do injections once a month for four months. Then more tests will be done to see how that is working and then that will determine how often I will still need to go. My wife and I thank God for all the wonderful people that he placed in our situation. St. Christopher Truckers Fund has been a blessing. They really helped us out in our time of need through this difficult time we face. Thank you so much for what you did for my wife and I. God bless you all!

Jeff B

I am so glad I found Your courses, When I first started, I was about 10% motivation level now I feel like I’m at around 60%. They have helped so much.

HH4LH Participant

I am suffering from a back injury from trucking for over 45 years and over 5 million miles. I have no insurance and I cannot drive and support my family. I have to wait for medicare to kick in on my 65th birthday in September in order to get the treatment needed. St. Christopher Fund is a great organization that helps out drivers like myself that cannot work and provide for my family. I know they can only help short term providing some relief keeping the roof over our heads for a couple of months. They cannot do this with out your donation so please donate when you can.

Steve G

Sounds great and again I want to thank everyone who supported the idea to inspire to reward persons who are willing to give up tobacco use for better health by way of rewards….something so simple sounded corny but it can really work ….it did for me and I’m thankful for all who came up with this project to inspire those of us who were chained down to addiction from tobacco use ….in a way it way it was kinda fun, maybe not in the beginning, but it was what worked out for me. Thank you all ! Life is better without it.


I am happy that I joined this class. I feel like I’m catching it just in time because sometimes I feel like I know everything and so that’s what I’m here for …Everything just makes sense. I feel like I’m just in the right place.


Words cannot express the gratitude we have for your organization and the help you provided to pay our next while out of work due to COVID and related illness. Thank you for all you do for truckers and families!

Joesph W

On April 1st, 2020, I experienced a medical emergency that changed my life completely and although we still do not have a clear diagnosis as to what is causing the medical conditions that I’m experiencing we’re not giving up I have seen 7 doctor’s over the past 10 months with all signs pointing to a form of dysautonomia or possibly something they just haven’t found yet? but with the help of the St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund we will soon be able to go out of state to see a team of specialists to find answers and hopefully come up with a treatment plan. So on behalf of my family and I we would like to say thank you St Christopher Truckers Fund for everything that you’ve done for us and God bless you all.

Dustan E

The St. Christopher Fund, Rigs without Cigs program, Red Eye Radio, Julia the previous supporter, and you. Thank you so much for helping me get through that nasty addiction.

RWC Participant

I wanted to let you know how appreciative I am for your help. The check arrived and it has been such a relief. I keep praying I get released to return to work soon. I hate not being able to provide for my family but I will forever be grateful for you generosity. 

Chad T

My daughter and I are so grateful to this wonderful foundation. My husband was a truck driver for about 20 years. He loved trucking and had a dream of one day having his own trucking company. Unfortunately, COVID-19 affected our family and my husband lost his life due to complications. Prior to his passing, he asked that I find some assistance while he was in the hospital. I found St Christopher’s Truckers Relief Fund and submitted an application for assistance. Unfortunately, my husband passed and I completely forgot about the application. One day, I was checking my emails and saw that I had an email from St. Christopher’s. I wrote them back and got a call back, I spoke with An angel, “Dana”. She was incredibly delightful and so helpful. She was able to get us help.


Dana and all of the wonderful people that made this happen, “Thank you”!!! There are no words that can ever express how grateful my daughter and I are to you and your foundation. What you did for us is priceless and beautiful! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

Mirna R

As the holidays have passed. I was just sitting here thinking about how much you have done for me and my family. Our future is still not planned out in any way. The uncertainty is something I  am going to put in God’s hands. The doctors are not sure if they will be able to help me with my broke neck.

Please let everyone know how much we appreciate all you have done. God has blessed us through you and your efforts.

Jeff C

My husband and I contracted COVID 19 while working on the road. We were off work for 27 days. We were caught unexpectedly being off that long from the truck.

St Christopher’s helped us when we needed it most. Until this pandemic happened, we’ve never asked for help from charity or government aid. We’ve always been on the other side helping truckers who needed a shower or money for food, and have always tried to give back ourselves. We would not have it without the help of St. Christopher’s fund. We owe the organization a wealth of gratitude.

The Drews

I just want to thank St. Christopher’s Truckers Fund foundation..I have been out of work due to medical reasons and they really came thru for me.. and was able to cover a few of my bills that I had gotten behind on due to medical bills..I would recommend any one needing help to give St Christopher’s a call.

Driver with Health Problems

We were hit with a family crisis this year. Our 4-year-old, Liam, suddenly had trouble with his left side. We went to the ER and an MRI was done. Three weeks later we found it to be our worst nightmare. Our son has a DIPG aggressive cancerous tumor, this is a terminal cancer. We were told 6 to 12 months. A study was offered to us as a trial. He is the first child to try this drug. This, if it works, might give him a chance at life.

I never thought in a million years that we ever would have needed help, but during this we are grateful that St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund stepped up and helped us. With their help I was able to park my truck and be home with my family as needed.

I urge all to help this organization and I will continue to do so. The unknown of an illness or accident can devastate a family in a very short time, we are very grateful to you all.

Driver’s Son Diagnosed with Cancer

I received the call that a trucker’s family always fears: “I’m sick my leg is swollen, I don’t think I can walk, and I’m having trouble breathing” my husband said. I panicked JR never complained and never got sick. “Deep Vein Thrombosis,” proclaimed the doctor. A piece of the blood clot broke off and had entered his lungs. This could not have come at a worse time. What were we going to do?
I remember referring St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund to other truckers in need never imagining that one day I might need their help. I made the call and St Christopher stepped up when we needed it the most. I am happy to say that JR has made a full recovery. As a trucker you never know when or if that dreaded call will come but knowing the SCF is on your side and has your back makes all the difference. Thank you St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund for holding out a helping hand to the men and women who keep this country running.

Driver with Deep Vein Thrombosis

I wanted to reach out to thank you all for the help you all provided me and my wife hope during my time of need. At 44 yrs old, having a heart attack and having open heart surgery was a pretty traumatic experience for us then realizing bills still needed paid was stressful to say the least, but I remembered hearing about you for years on the radio and buying your merchandise at Petros and ta truck stops.

So I had my wife reach out and you all came through like Angel’s from heaven. I am almost done recovering and looking forward to getting back to work on the road and when I do I’ll be not only donating when I can but singing your praises where ever I go. Thank you so very much.

Driver with Heart Surgery

On December 13th, 2018, I suffered a heart attack that would have killed me if I hadn’t gone to the hospital. After getting out of the hospital and being held from work for almost 6 weeks with no income I knew I would be in trouble. A friend of mine who introduced me to donating to St. Christopher’s Fund years ago suggested I contact them for help.

It was the best decision I could have made. They helped me pay my bills while I’m down and were so helpful in letting me know what was going on through the entire process.  I cant tell you enough how much of a relief it was to have them there to help out during such a terrible moment in my life.  I urge all of you to donate all you can even if its just a few bucks toward St. Christopher’s Fund because even if you never need them to help you those of us especially me am grateful and thankful that that help was available to make things better rather than go thru things getting worse. For those of you who have donated THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!

Driver with Heart Attack


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to St. Christopher Fund. I’m proud to say I was an OTR truck driver and O/O for 40 yrs 2 months and 9 days. I’m old school and believe in helping others when needed and hate to ask for help or admit I’m weak. Upon going to renew my DOT physical I was diagnosed with a weak heart and denied my med certification. After months of tests, medication and 2 heart procedures my heart is better but I will never be able to drive again.

Unfortunately, my bills stacked up and got behind. With the LOVE and support of ST. CHRISTOPER’S TRUCKERS RELIEF FUND, I am able to breathe a little easier. They did as promised, stepped in and helped me to get some of my expenses under control; Helping me to hold my head up and be a man of my word to bill collectors. It’s very hard sitting at home not being able to support my family and help others as before. I pray to God daily to restore my health while thanking him I’m still alive. But I feel this is his way of saying 41 years no accidents not even a scratch on a truck it’s time for you to relax.

I am so blessed to be friends with the folks at SCF and hope I can return their help some day.

Driver with Heart Surgery

On January 10th, I was driving in Arkansas when I suffered a brain hemorrhage. I was in surgery just a couple days later to remove a tumor.

The surgery has put me out of work for at least 6 months, possibly more.

I’m so very grateful for St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund and the great people who support this fund. I began to panic after trying to get help from short-term disability and other government organizations only to be denied.

A fellow truck driver told me about St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund and I reached out. I got a response email the same day from a representative there. Their team stepped in almost immediately, and with a little verification, I was able to work on me and not what was piling up financially.

Thank you to St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund and everyone that donates to the fund. I am forever grateful and can’t thank them enough.

Driver with Brain Hemorrhage

SCTRF was a huge blessing to us! They helped pay our rent after my husband was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma and couldn’t drive. They were so easy to work work and Dana was so pleasant and helpful every time I called! She truly cared about us and what we were going through. Every trucker should know about this amazing organization! Thank you so much!.

Wife of Driver with Cancer

Ordinary people who have touched the life of a father, a family and a trucker’s home! Those are the PEOPLE behind the Saint Christopher Trucker’s Fund! HERO’s if you will, in our minds at least! In November 2018, my mother received that phone call that no “Trucker’s Wife” wants to hear… “Tell the boys I love them and I love you, but I think my time is here…” That was the message my mother heard when dad called her that morning and left that voicemail on her phone. By the time she reached him, he was having crushing chest pains as he was trying to maneuver his rig to safety and off the highway in Delaware before the ambulance could be called. Thankfully, he was in an area where they were well equipped to deal with this sort of emergency and he arrived at the hospital in time for life saving care. As the days drew on and we learned more about what he had to endure and look at accomplishing, the anxiety in him drew higher wondering how and if he was going to be able to pay his bills, house payment, etc. My mother has been disabled for several years and what they draw on her SS is merely enough to attempt to pay her medical bills. My brother and I both work and we had heard dad talk over the years about a Trucking Group that he always supported anytime he saw their donation vendors and drop offs. It was Saint Christopher’s. We looked into the idea, filled out the application and within hours were contacted by the diligent staff that work for the fund. Their help and support and sharing of information and willingness to work with him and our family goes beyond what any words can say! DANA , although never meeting in person, is a BLESSING to this organization. I will now be giving faithfully as much I can, to help other trucking families out in their time of need! Simply put, THANK YOU ST. CHRISTOPHER’s Trucking Fund for the support and the financial help you have been able to provide. It is a warming thought to know that all those donations that dad has given over the years, really do go to help out a trucker and their family!!!!! God Bless you ALL.

Son of Driver with Heart Attack

I was diagnosed with colon cancer last year, lost my truck, not able to work very much. The SCF, helped us out with our monthly expenses. These people are a true blessing. Thank you so much!

Driver with Cancer

We would like to sincerely thank you for what you do for drivers across this country. We now know first hand how one injury can completely change your life and your financial stability. We fully appreciate that my injury is short-term compared to some, but the financial strain and difficulty that has come with it has been intense and long-lived. I am still non-weight-bearing and am technically fully disabled. They do anticipate I will be able to start learning to walk again some time in the next month. From there, they it will be a few months of recovery and therapy before I can get back to work full time. We are thankful it isn’t worse than that.

Driver with Broken Tibia

I am one of the drivers that SCF helped in 2018. Without the kindness of of them and all those who donate, I would have lost my car and my house. I personally would like to thank all of you that donate and help keep this organization going.

Driver with Respiratory Problems

Recently, you accepted my husband’s application for help and have already paid. I still can’t get over it. He has worked so many years on the road to support our family of nine. His damaged heart won’t allow it anymore. Thank you for helping us get through to the disability acceptance. I knew the Lord would work it out but had no idea you would be part of it. Thank you so very much!

Driver with Congestive Heart Failure

I just want to say Thank You All and God Bless You. You all have been a godsend to me and my family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You all not only helped us financially but most importantly you guys renewed my faith in humanity. With so many people and places turning their backs on us at our worst time, you all opened your arms to us. I can’t thank you all enough. Thank You.

Driver with COPD

Please accept my sincere thanks for your financial assistance. You have allowed me a breather in the complicated world of unexpected illness. Every opportunity I get, I tell everyone on the road about the great deeds of kindness that you all provide. In a fast paced world you have proven to myself and my kids that there are good people who will help others. God bless you.

Driver with Back Injury

Because of an awesome landlord, you at SCF and with faith and prayers, we will make it. Just wanted to say thank you again for helping us.

Driver with Hernia

I would like to thank you all and Shannon for the help a few years back. After being diagnosed with ESKD, your help relieved some of the financial pressure in order to get everything in place. After two years of dialysis and extensive testing, I was finally listed with UNOS. Thanks and remember DONATE LIFE!

Driver with End Stage Kidney Failure

St. Christopher is SO MUCH more than a mission statement!!! When my husband was SO ILL, they gave SO MUCH more than JUST financial help!! I cried and lost it several times and EVERY TIME they listened, prayed with me, and helped ME get through a VERY terrifying time!!

Driver with Gall Bladder Complications Resulting in Sepsis

My husband and I would like to thank St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund for all of your help and support during my illness. We felt like we were drowning and now we can breathe again. We have a tough battle ahead and you guys made it a little easier. Thank You so much, guys!

Driver with Liver Problems

Just want to thank everyone there for all your help SO very much. God bless you!

Driver with Cancer

Thank you so much for all your help with the application process and for the help. I hope we stay in touch. Your organization has been a spot of light to our lives and we thank you again.

Driver with Congestive Heart Failure

First and foremost, thank you so much. You have no idea how much you are helping me and my family. I will forever be in debt to this organization. Thank you cannot be said enough.

Driver with Colon Cancer

I want to thank you and your organization for the support you have shown my husband and my family during this time in need. I can’t thank your organization enough for this assistance. This has been a very hard time for my husband mentally and physically. With this assistance it is some relief. Stress taken off of his shoulders while he undergoes his treatment plans.

Driver with Heart Problems

My husband was forced to stop working in October of 2016. He applied for assistance from St. Christopher’s Fund and received it. I can’t tell you how much help that was at the time. He passed away on January 10, 2018, but I wanted to thank you for both of us for your help. Wiley was a hard working man and a proud man. It hurt to have to ask for help but he also realized it was time to forget the pride and receive help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping us when you did!

Wife of Driver who Passed Away from Pulmonary Problems

THANK YOU SO MUCH! You will never know how much of a relief that is to my wife and I to know that we do not have to worry about January rent or part of February! You and your company are nothing short of a BLESSING!

Driver with Health Problems

After being in the hospital and off work for 10 weeks with Sepsis, I came across the Band Together Fund that was going on at the Petro. I went online to check it out and applied. Dana, with the St. Christopher Fund contacted me. She was very friendly, helpful and quick. I want to thank you all for the help you provided in our time of need. Thank you again and God bless you.

Driver with Sepsis

This past July I had a partial foot and toe amputation, not knowing how I would provide for my family because of the time being off of work for healing process. I couldn’t get help from anywhere because technically I was still employed. My wife and I prayed about it and we remembered that organization we donated by buying key rings and we actually had the St. Christopher’s key ring on our house key. We got on the St. Christopher’s website and applied for assistance. A few weeks later we received an email saying they would help with a certain amount of money to pay our bills. We are very grateful for the St.Christopher organization. They were our angels in our time of need. This will be the organization I’ll most definitely donate to. They’re really there for you. I would like to also add that Mrs. Dana was the sweetest person and didn’t ever make us feel uncomfortable. She’s very helpful, always responded to our emails and calls. Thank you all St. Christopher’s for all you’ve done to help get my family through the roughest time in our lives. I suggest that all drivers keep this organization going by donating, many blessings to these wonderful staff.

Driver with Amputation

This the blessing everyone needs when you think no one cares! I was out of work for 5 weeks due to a allergic reaction to Trulicity that gave me acute pancreatitis. I had no income coming in and was about to lose my car when an angel put Truckers Fund in my life. I contacted another angel named Dana. They were angels to take such a burden from me. Believe, be positive and pray and God will put people like them in your life. God Bless Dana and everyone involved.

Driver with Acute Pancreatitis

My son and I want to thank St. Christopher Truckers Fund for the help we received. It meant so much in a horribly painful time in our lives. My dear husband passed away at work in his truck. We miss him. Such kind people to work with here. Such a blessing! Thank you again!

Wife of Driver who Passed Away

My family would like to thank everyone at St.Christopher Fund for your support and assistance.

Driver with Pulmonary Embolism

Thanks to St. Christopher Truckers Fund for helping me pay 1 month of rent. It was really a blessing from God, through them. I was on my way to pick up my truck on July 17th. I passed out and had I had an accident. Since then I haven’t been able to work. It has been a very difficult time. Thanks again.

Driver with Hip Fracture

Thank you so very much for your assistance. God is great and we appreciate everyone that works for this organization. I hope that we can pay this forward in the future.

Driver with Health Problems

There are not enough ways to say THANK YOU to St Christopher’s or to Dana!! When we FINALLY found out what was making Mark so deathly ill, turns out it was something called Ostyeomyelitis, a rare bone eating infection, which then also caused a blood infection. The first thing Mark said was to get a hold of St Christopher’s!!! He always wears one of the wrist bands and always donates. Then it was us who needed help!!! Dana was so understanding and even when I wasn’t coherent, she knew what was needed!! They took the stress of our major bills, rent and electric , making it possible for me to just focus on getting Mark better!!!! We will never be able to say thank you enough!!

Wife of Driver with Osteomylitis

My family and I really can’t thank you guys enough! I was shot 3 times in my own home while confronting a robber, which broke my femur… being outta work.. we gave up our home and moved in with family so I could try to keep up on my truck that I worked so hard to get. Despite our efforts I was really close to losing it. But thanks to the St. Christopher fund I still have it! After my knee surgery I’m looking forward to getting back to trucking and giving back to the St. Christopher fund! Thank you!!

Driver Shot During Home Invasion

It was never in my wildest dreams that I myself would one day be needing assistance from the St. Christopher Fund, which paid two of my bills. It gave me a chance to hopefully, find work that was not so demanding on my spine. I had to end my career early with two very prestigious trucking companies, due multiple spinal complications. I have to also give thanks to the N Chicago VA for my fine medical care. I purchased my bracelet at the TA location.

Driver with Spinal Injury

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Without you people helping me and my wife after my triple bypass surgery and me not being able to work until maybe October, we would have lost everything .You have helped us make it through a very hard time. We have no income. You people are truly amazing. You’re God’s angels. Thank you for helping truckers. When I get back to work I am going to donate so you keep helping other truckers like you helped me and I’m going to spread the word to help donate to the truckers fund. You people don’t no how truly amazing you are. Thank you.

Driver with Heart Attack

January 16th 2017 will forever be etched in my mind. It’s the day my children and I were told my husband of 26 years had bleeding on the brain. Tests later in the day revealed it was a 15 cm brain tumor. My husband has worked since he was a young teenage boy and has driven a truck for over 17 years. I have been blessed to be a stay at home mom and homemaker most of our married life and in just one day our world was turned upside down and changed forever. Since then my husband had surgery to remove”most” of the tumor. As I write this he is receiving radiation to try and stop any that was left from spreading. St. Christopher stepped in almost immediately in February and paid 3 months mortgage and one month’s electric bill. Not having to worry about losing our home during those months on top of everything else is something we could never thank them enough for. I pray God blesses each and every of them and every one who gives to them so they can continue to help families in need. You people are awesome and you will forever have a special place in the hearts of the Brown household.

Forever and always, a truck drivers wife

Wife of a Driver with Cancer

I want to thank you. You helped me when no one else would. You are amazing people. You saved our car. I can’t thank you enough. I had open heart triple bypass surgery, was unable to work, was about to lose everything and you helped me. You people care about truckers. When I am able to work again, I am going to donate so you can help others like you helped me. Thank you.

Driver who had a Heart Attack

We want to express our appreciation for the grant you blessed us with when things have been so difficult and uncertain. It gave us a safe, secure place to stay as we wait for a new kidney. It has truly been an adjustment from being in the truck every day to sitting still again. Please know how much you all are appreciated.

Kidney Transplant Recipient

WOW! Just wow. We weren’t sure that I could go ahead and have my surgery. I have a hernia, actually 2 that are need of repair asap. Was trying to wait until my husband was approved for SSI. I kept pushing myself so we wouldn’t be homeless. On top of all that, we have guardianship of two grandkids. Scary to think that we won’t have a home for them. A friend told me about Truckers Fund. I put in my app. It only took them less then a week to respond and have a answer for me. WOW! They are amazing. They responded fast and we were relieved knowing that everything will be ok. I also am excited to learn they will help to get truckers back to work while being trained. Wish I had known about this help sooner. I would have taken the training for a new job. I may still. Not sure even after my surgery ill be able to go back to driving. I am so pleased with the positive attitude and encouragement the staff gave me. I thank you all so much for being here to help us truckers and families. I definitely will be asking my company to sponsor and passing the word for donations. Thank you again.

Driver with Hernia

Thank you again for your help! Without you, we were looking at possibly having all 5 of the grandkids placed into foster care. St. Christopher’s Truckers Fund has given us a window of time to prevent that from happening. Your organization has been a blessing to us and we are very grateful for your help.

Driver with Shoulder Injury

God is amazing! Thank you for all of your help! We are so humbled and grateful-we have cried our eyes out. We will use the money for our rent. You have no idea what a blessing this has been to us.

Driver with Broken Leg

Thank you to St Christopher Truckers Relief Fund for helping us out. My husband has been a trucker for 25+ years and became very ill with anaplastic large cell lymphoma and is under going chemo. Because of you’re generosity we were able to catch up on some of our household bills. Thank you.

Driver with Cancer

Thank you for paying our house note and power bill. This allowed us to stay in our house another month and relieved so much stress.We are grateful. You are truly “God in shoes”. God bless you all!

Driver with Kidney Surgery

My husband, William, is an OTR Driver and our only source of income as I am disabled with Lupus and other related diseases. We have three minor children who still live at home and my husband supports us all. About 2 months ago he became ill with pneumonia primarily and was out of work for 2-1/2 weeks. A friend of his who is also a trucker commented on social media that we should contact the Saint Christopher Trucker’s Fund for assistance. We tried to work things out so that we didn’t need help but in the end we just could not make the numbers add up. We contacted the Truckers Fund and advised of our situation, submitted some minor paperwork and within days was advised that we would receive benefits. What a stress relief! I don’t know where we would be without the assistance provided. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and God Bless you for the work you do.

Driver with Pneumonia

I’ve been a trucker since 1988. I’ve had health issues since 1997 since my back was broken. Every time I get better, I go back to driving. This last spinal injury ended my career. Thank you St Christopher Fund for your assistance. I went 6 weeks without income. My company didn’t care, but you did.

Driver with Spinal Injury

You have impacted my life greatly since I had a heart attack in Denver in January your charity came thru and helped our family with bills I couldn’t cover. I will be forever indebted to your organization.

Driver with Heart Attack

I just wanted to reach out to you all to thank you for your support during this difficult time. Often times, I’m the one people come running to when they need help and this time it was I that needed help. When I would reach out to others for a favor in getting help….it didn’t happen but when I contacted you all, I found compassion and help in my time of need. I can’t thank you enough for the help you gave me on my rent, electric, and auto ins.Because of your help, I get to stay in my home and have power, and no lapse in auto ins. Thank you so much for the help. You all do such a great job at being there for others that you should pat yourselves on the back. May the blessings of God rain upon you all like raindrops..

Driver with Broken Ankle

It’s hard for me to put into words how grateful I am to your organization. I lost my Job in October and we found out a week before Christmas that my husband (a Truck Driver) had to have emergency surgery to remove a mass from his liver. Being that his was our only income, you could say we were stressed about our monthly bills and how we would be able to pay them. Thanks to St. Christopher’s we were able to breathe easier with the help given. You truly are remarkable and we thank you for the bottom of our hearts. It’s because of you that we are still living in our beautiful home where my husband was able to recover and get healthy again. Thank You so much!

Wife of a Driver who had Surgery

Thank you so very much, maybe I won’t stress so bad now. You guys are lifesavers.

Driver with Broken Shoulder

I have donated for years never thinking of myself being in need. I’m humbled & grateful in this time of real need for my family. For me, the support coming from my industry warms this Independent’s heart. Humbled, I say thank you….

Driver with Syncope

We often made contributions in cash at various events that were going towards this fund. Who knew that one day we would be on the receiving end due to that NASTY cancer?

Tears fill our eyes and smiles in our hearts. Without help from this fund and others, we don’t know how we would get to this point without losing everything.

Merry Christmas!

Blessings to all who have helped, are helping and will continue to help!

Driver with Cancer

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for such a wonderful organization, because of you we can squeak by another month while we go thru this financial hardship.

Driver with Shoulder Injury

Thank you so much & God bless you & St Christopher Fund!! We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas (you are some of God’s angels!!)

Driver who had a Stroke

We sincerely appreciate what the St. Christopher Fund has done for us. We’ve shared the site on our social media outlets and will continue to advocate for you. Thank you again!

Driver with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

Thank you for all you do. When my hubby was sick and needed surgery in August you were there for us. We appreciate you more than you ever know.

Bladder Surgery

I want to thank you for the work that you do. My husband had a major stroke which ended his trucking career and at the time I wasn’t working and begging companies to please hire me. It was roughest time of my life. Your organization helped me and you have no idea how much we appreciated and needed your help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and God bless you and your organization.

Driver with Stroke

I would just like to say thank you from both my husband and myself from the bottom of our hearts. My husband has been fighting colon rectal cancer now for 9 years. It has gone first to his lungs and just recently they found a mass on his cerebellum. He had surgery to remove the mass and it was successful. But, because of the trauma his body has been through in the last year, he is having a very hard time bouncing back. He is hoping that he can get strong enough to go back to the job that he really loves. Your help at this time has been a God-send. If it wasn’t for your help, we would not have had electricity or a roof over our head. God Bless you and those that are involved with this great endeavor. We will definitely be encouraging others to donate to this great helping cause. Again, Thank You.

Driver with Cancer

We can not express our thankfulness for your generosity. This has taken a great weight off our shoulders. We cried with relief and appreciation. I thank you for your prayers. When they say the brotherhood is gone from trucking, that is incorrect. This is brotherhood. This is a miracle to us. Thank you from the very bottom of our hearts.

Driver with Kidney Problems

Thank you once again for the generous gift to help me with my financial responsibilities during my fight with Cancer. This money will be used toward paying my mortgage payment and sure takes a load off worrying about how I would pay this bill.

Driver with Cancer


Driver with Congestive Heart Failure

Thank you Julie for helping my wife and I. She passed a year ago June 28th. Just thought I’d let you know. She requested hospice. But your organization helped us in our time of need. You took one stressor off the table. I can’t thank you enough. And you personally were very kind to me.

Driver who's Wife Died of Cancer

I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for your financial help with my bills. I had to have a 5 way emergency heart bypass and am not able to work for 3 months. Without your support and caring ,I may have ended up homeless. Thank you so VERY much for your help!! You are a true Godsend and true blessing!! Thank you…

Driver with Heart Surgery

Thank you so much for all the financial assistance you have given me during my cancer treatments: radiation, chemo therapy and rehabilitation. I hope to return to driving full time within six months with my Multiple Myeloma in complete remission. When I drive, I listen to Tim Ridley every day. I look forward to sharing my story of how you have helped me. I have all ready told several others how you have been a true blessing to me and how you have helped me after 46 years in business. I am continuing to fight the good fight and getting better thanks to your help.

Driver with Cancer

I am so grateful for this truckers fund! They are truly a blessing to me and saved me from being homeless. After leaving the hospital I lost my job and medical benefits and was completely overwhelmed with bills medical costs etc. but st. Christopher worked with me and help saved my home and now I’m caught up with other things. Only sad thing is I may never drive trucks due to my illness but my love for trucking will never die! A few friends got together and helped me get a driver for my truck so my legacy will continue! Again, I thank this wonderful organization for all they have done and will urge all my trucking family to donate!

Driver with Bleeding Disorder

I cannot Thank you and this organization enough! Terry’s passing has been extremely hard and the financial burden on top has made it extremely harder. I know Terry looks down and grins as he was very grateful for your organization and the help.It may take a little time to pick these pieces back up and piece them together but with Gods help and people like you and this organization it greatly helps to do so.

Wife of a Driver who Passed Away

Thank you so much to the wonderful people at St. Christopher Truckers Fund. I have been out of work since March and unable to keep my bills paid. St. Christopher’s Truck Fund has helped us so much. It is really touching to know that someone out there cares. It is a scary position to be in, not knowing when you can go back to work and how you are going to make ends meet. These people are caring and they don’t look down on you for needing help. My many thanks to them.

Driver with Kidney Stones

You helped me a couple of years ago when I had no where else to turn. Thank you for what you do. Your organization is one who truly does help drivers!

Driver with Respiratory Problems

My brother was helped by you nearly 3 years ago after suffering a stroke while driving his truck. He is now stable and able to live on his own. Although he cannot work, he is managing to get by. Without your help and the help of many others along the way, God only knows where he would be today. He is very thankful for the help and support of fellow truckers. God bless you and your work.

Driver who had a Stroke

I Would Like To Say Thank You Again For Y’all Help I was Really Humbled By The Help I Received. I Was Always The One Who Helped Not The One That Needed Help. Please Pass On A Heart Felt Thank You To Dr. John And Every One At Truckers Fund.

Driver with Heart Attack

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for everything you did to help our family during our time or crisis. My husband has been able to go back to work, although he has required additional surgery. Your organization is amazing & if there is any way we can help spread the word, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Driver with Ruptured Spleen

You helped us a couple years ago when Robert had his strokes.We are doing a lot better now and standing on our own two feet as they say. You guys helped us a lot and if we didnt receive that help we may have lost our home.

Driver who had a Stroke

We will always be appreciative of the assistance you gave us. It was a rough time but thanks to your kindness we were able to face some of the bills and be able to keep on track.

Driver with Liver Transplant

Thank you so much for your help in getting my meds. It is greatly appreciated

Driver who had Quadruple Bypass

If it wasn’t for the St. Christopher Fund and the VA I’m not sure how me and family would have made it. I’ve recovered well and back to work

Driver with Hand Surgery

I became unable to work and OTR work is all I know and have known. I looked for ways to get help from other places and got “No” help. Then I found St. Christopher Truckers Fund. Thank you very much for helping me; not only me, but my family in our time of need. If it weren’t for you, our family would be on the street. Again, you are a blessing! Thank you!

Driver with Neuropathy

I would like to thank everyone at St. Christopher! Your staff is amazing! They never made me feel like I was charity, and that means a lot! I thank God that this organization is able to help others in need.You truly blessed me and my family. God bless you all! Please donate to this wonderful relief fund!!!

Driver with High Blood Pressure

Thank you so much. I don’t know how to thank you. You have an amazing organization and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Driver with Back Injury

You and your organization helped me out in a time of need. Thank you, St. Christopher’s for all you do for us truck drivers.

Driver who had Heart Surgery

My Husband Had a major major heart attack the one they call the Widowmaker. His heart stopped and EMS brought him back to life. He wasn’t at work when it happened and there was nothing to cover anything financially we were a paycheck to paycheck family. He had heard of st. Christopher’s XM Radio I gave it a try we are nearly homeless as nothing else we could do but worry which the doctor told him not to do. This Fund helped us to save our home. we are so grateful and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts! May God bless St.Christopher’s Truckers Fund in abundance is our prayer. Thank you so much.

Driver with Heart Problem

SCF helped me past a big rough spot this year.

Driver with Heart Problems

I want to thank St. Christopher Fund. If it wasn’t for your generosity me and other drivers in need wouldn’t know what to do.

Driver with Back Problems

I cannot say thank you enough to all of the people at the St. Christopher Fund!

Wife of a Deceased Driver

I been grieving the loss of my best friend, soulmate & the love of my life. I’ve had to deal with stress/worry over finances. I don’t know if you all realize what you truly do for people or not, but not only are you helping me & my kids during the worst time of our lives, you’ve shown me that they’re still good people in this world and have given me a reason to believe again. You all have given me a glimmer of hope in what has been the most hopeless situation. Thank you!! I will most definitely be spreading the word about what a wonderful organization you have. I will also do whatever I can when this is over to help convince people to donate to such an extraordinary organization. I could never thank you all enough. God bless each of you & I pray for the safety and wellbeing of all of Chris’ fellow truck driving family

Wife of Driver who Passed Away

Thank you just sounds so shallow. God bless you and all the truckers. I promise I will spend the rest of my life telling of your help.

Driver with Heart Problems

After driving for almost 30 years, I’ve had to come off the road due to heart problems. My last day that I worked was in May 2015. Had a quad bypass operation in July and had an ICD implant this past Feb. Unfortunately I can’t drive commercially with an ICD. Medical bills were piling up and it was a struggle to even make the necessary monthly bills. St. Christopher Fund stepped in a provided enough money to make payment on our monthly bills and give me a head start on next month’s. I am thankful for their help in this difficult time.

Driver with ICD Implant

Thank you for helping me in my time of need. When my appendix ruptured, you saved me more ways than one. I gain extra love from people I share Gods love to on road and would not have been able if it weren’t for your help. THANK YOU!

Driver with Ruptured Appendix

I wish I could be there at MATS to personally thank you for the help that you folks at the ST. CHRISTOPHER FUND had given to me during these hard times that I have been in. I am currently starting to get back into the working phase of my career and hope to recover from what has happened to me these past months. I will continue to support the ST. CHRISTOPHER FUND with my donations so that other drivers who are needier than myself can be helped by good folks as yourself, and the drivers, who have unselfishly donated to this cause over time, so that you’re able to help other drivers like myself in times of need. So, to you folks, I tip my hat and again, thanks for the help, and for the service you provide.

Driver with Health Problems

Thanks for the generosity and help at a time when needed. It gas given me the time to get proper medical care to help with a catastrophic series of illnesses. The best people around! Thanks

Driver with Health Problems

We would like to say how blessed we are to have been helped throughout my freak accident when my foot was amputated October 17, 2015. We can’t say enough thanks to the St Christopher Fund for the bill assistance

Driver with Foot Amputation

This driver is a cancer survivor, as well as, having a heart attack recently. SCF was able to offer him financial assistance to get him back on his feet.

Driver with Cancer

With the help of paying those 2 bills, it will give us the break that we so desperately need to finally be able to get the rest caught up to current status and Lord willing, stay caught up from here on out. Every year I’ve always bought numerous bracelets and key chains from TA/Petro locations to hand out to family and friends. It was never in my wildest dreams that I myself would one day be needing assistance from this AWESOME organization. I will be spreading the word to all that will listen in regards to you all.

Driver with Spinal Injury

We would like to graciously thank the St. Christophers Truckers Fund for helping relieve our financial burden after Jack’s surgeries. Jack is a loving husband, father of 3 boys, with the 4th due in January. Jack is a certified trainer, May Central driver of the year, for JB Hunt Transportion. Unexpectedly, at the end of August, Jack started to feel very weak, out of breath and just not himself. Luckily, he was on home time when his symptoms started. I rushed him to the hospital, where it was determined that he needed 3 surgeries, within 6 days. These surgeries included a catheterization, open heart surgery with a valve replacement and a pacemaker revision. He spent a total of 15 days in the hospital, with 6 of those in the ICU. He will be off work for 3 months and the Truckers Fund provided us with bill assistance. The fund was easy to work with and very quick. On behalf of the entire Holloway family, we’d like to say Thank You.

Driver with Heart Surgery



Ava is our 1st child. She’s two months 14 days old. She was born full term, very sick. It was unexpected. We are holding up. We are not home from the hospital. Our Ronald McDonald stay is up so we are back to our commute, 90 milis a day to see Ava. She’s at Blythedale Children’s Hospital for rehabilitation, working with her muscular tone and bottle feeding. She has a g-tube but is taking the bottle slowly. Ava’s next surgery is in July which is for the craniosynostos. Her skull fused too early and it’s putting pressure on her brain. Since her last surgery was rough, the doctors are prepping us for the worst. There is talk of getting Ava home in a week or two to enjoy a few weeks at home before the surgery, Ava is great today. She is starting to move her head more and more. We have faith in God. Doug is looking for work but is having a hard time finding something flexible. Doug is trying to stay local to find a job. You guys helped out with our rent. We are working out June rent, and all the other bills. It’s hard but we have faith and it’s the best to get through this. Thank you for looking out for us. Thank you for the prayers. Thank you for everything. #teamavastrong

Driver with Child in Hospital

Let me take this time to thank everyone of you that has been willing to stand behind me and help me out of a hole that I was thinking that I was never going to be able to crawl out of. If it would not have been for you all helping me out in my time of need, I would be out on the street by the end of the month with no place to live. The help that you and your fund have given me by helping me with my rent while I have been going through treatment has saved me from worry about where I was going to live by the end of the month. Thanks again and God Bless you all at Truckers Fund!

Driver with Health Problems

To Tonya Love I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for the assistance. Your last name is no coincidence.

Driver with Neck and Shoulder Injury

Thanks for your help in my and my families time of need. I was on the road when my appendix started to give me problems. I had to have immediate surgery in Nashville,TN. Even though I had insurance I did not have short term disability insurance at the time. Being off work for a while I didn’t know how I was going to pay rent. YOU ALL CAME THROUGH TO HELP ME. ***THANK YOU *** AND THANK YOU to all TRUCKERS and others to help me in my time of need.

Driver with Appendix Surgery

I would like to say Thank you for the help you gave to my family when I had to go on medical leave. My story goes like this: I came home for a couple days off. I was not feeling well; it was as if I was having trouble with my gallbladder. My son took me took the Emergency Room. They did a CT Scan and immediately sent me to the main ST. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis where 2 days later I was diagnosed with Cancer. Exactly 1 week later I was told I had stage 4 lung cancer, with it being in other areas also. The team In your office was quick to do their best and help me with funds to get through the 1st month until my disability insurance started.

Driver with Surgery

I’m soooo thrilled I don’t know what to say. This is such a blessing!!! Thank God!!! Again….there are not enough words to Thank You. I have not slept in good in a long time wondering if we were going to be homeless next month because we couldn’t pay the house payment. This will give us another month. The Good Lord has helped us this far so I’m holding on to my faith and praying.

Driver with Health Problems

Thank you St. Christopher Fund!

Driver with Health Problems

Thank you and your team for the help you are willing to give me in such a timely manner. It will really help us out and we do appreciate it.

Driver with Health Problems

I’ve been driving since 93 first class B asphalt for my dad’s business then over the road when I was 21 on and off. I decided to drive OTR to support my growing family in 2012. On June 11, 2014 I went for a physical because I’d been feeling like I had the flu and dropping Lbs since January of that year. I went from 230 down to 160. It was a Wednesday afternoon and I went on my second run for Gm to Kansas City from Flint. As I arrived in Kansas City on the 12th my dispatch and boss kept calling me asking how I was doing and where exactly I was at. I told them on 35 south just past the Pilot in Karney, Mo when an ambulance and state trooper pulled me over and a driver for the company hopped in my truck. The medic said I was bad and to go with them asap. As I arrived at Liberty Medical Center they informed me I had leukemia and my blood hemoglobin was 3 and at level 5 you have a heart attack and die. Little did I know that was to be my last ride in a rig.They set me up after 5 days of blood infusions and iron with a flight home. While in Liberty the social worker gave me a print out with the Saint Christopher’s Fund info on it. I’ve heard it advertised on xm and red eye radio a few times and donated at different truck stops but never thought you’d all save my family’s home not once but twice. Me and Elisa were married on Dec 31 with Jacob age 5 Tanner age 4 and Olivia age 2 now, there with family and friends.With the prayers and support I continue to battle cancer hoping to one day drive again.Thank you all for the prayers and the help you gave my family.

Driver with Leukemia

I am so happy – I CAN SEE!! Thank you so much for this help! We are so blessed to have you working for us in this desperate chapter in our lives! I cannot express the gratitude I feel! Thank y’all so very much and God bless you.

Driver had Cataract Surgery

We would like to say thank you to the St. Christopher Fund. My husband Bill had been driving for 20 yrs until he was diagnosed with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension in September 2014. This is a progressive non curable disease. Upon finding this out this is a disqualifying condition for driving a commercial vehicle he had to stop driving. Unable to work due to his condition, we became a one income family. Needing help we thought about the bracelets we had bought to help the St. Christopher for many years reminding us there was help out there. After the first call we were in contact with Shannon within 24 hrs and had the process started. We are now able to keep a roof over our heads until social security disability is approved. Thank you again for caring for our truck driving family! Bless you.

Driver with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Thanks so much! We really needed this help. We greatly appreciate all your fund has done for us. I don’t know what we would have done without you folks! Thank you is not nearly enough but please know how much we truly appreciate all of your help and compassion.

Driver with Health Problems

Thank You Shannon and everyone at ST CHRISTOPHER FUND for your generosity and the help you have given my family in our time of need.You are the only charity fund that helped us and for that we are thankful.Every little bit helps in a time of need. Again thanks to all and happy holidays. Okay people, PLEASE give to St Christopher fund, even if it’s only 1 dollar. If not for them, we would not have been able to survive my 2 months off of work. They really are a Godsend. The next time you are in a Petro or T/A and they ask you to buy a bracelet, you can be assured that the money really does go to help truck drivers.

Driver with Health Problems

Again….there are not enough words to Thank You. I have not slept good in a long time wondering if we were going to be homeless next month because we couldn’t pay the house payment. This will give us another month. The Good Lord has helped us this far so I’m holding on to my faith and praying. I will definItely mention St. Christopher Truckers Fund to everyone I know!!!

Driver with Health Problems

Thank you and the St. Christopher Fund for helping us during this most difficult time of need. Not only did you review and approve our case expediently, you made a big difference. The offering that you are giving to us will help us get caught up on our house payments that we are behind on. Words alone cannot express how much we appreciate the help. The tests that we have gone through this past year has become a true testimony. Thank you for the blessing, St. Christopher Fund!

Driver with Health Problems

I would like to say thank you Julie for your help. Your group are my angels. Thank you so very much!!!

Driver with Health Problems

Thank you so much. Your kindness will allow us to buy some time as we work to climb out of the hole. 

Driver with Health Problems

Thanks again for the help!

Driver with Health Problems

Please donate to this organization! The help they are giving me is a blessing from God!

Driver with Back Surgery

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for what your organization has done for me.

Driver with Toe Amputation

Thank You all for the help while I was out of work. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

Driver with Spine Surgery

Thank you so very much. I cannot begin to tell you how much you have helped me and my family.

Driver with Back Injury

Thanks for the help that was received, it was very appreciated.

Driver who had Heart Attack

Thank you for your help last year with our rent! It was a blessing.

Driver with Peripheral Artery Disease

Recently, you accepted my husband’s, application for help and have already paid. I still can’t get over it. He has worked so many years on the road to support our family of nine. His damaged heart won’t allow it anymore. Thank you for helping us get through to the disability acceptance. I knew the Lord would work it out but had no idea you would be part of it. Thank you so very much! Michelle Harper

Driver with Heart Failure