Mother Trucker Yoga – Feel better, wherever! Proud supporter of St. Christopher Fund! For more information or to sign up to join, visit 3-5 minute, short, fun and effective videos.Directly pinpointing ALL your aches and pains associated with long-term sitting and driving. Solution-based movements for instant relief and long-term success. Yoga made accessible to the average person and focusing on where it counts.
Rolling Strong – As the provider of driver wellness programs for transportation companies and their drivers and owner-operators, Rolling Strong promotes behavior change and provides support in the areas of Nutrition, Fitness, Sleep, Stress Management and Weight Management.
Fitness Trucking – Provides various coaching packages for drivers, carriers, and the entire industry, that help drivers lose weight and reduce medication; help carriers reduce the associated costs of obesity, and helps the industry make safer highways by making healthier, safer drivers.
Higi – Track blood pressure, pulse, weight, and BMI at 11,000 higi stations nationwide. Connect a mobile device and track your activity in your higi account.