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Prediabetes Risk Test
SCF’s Diabetes Prevention Program is just that, to help prevent CLASS A, OTR drivers, from developing Type 2 diabetes. Want to see if you’re at risk? Take the risk assessment below: ***If you have already been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, please register for Healthy Habits for the Long-Haul instead (***

If your score is 4 or below, the CDC states that you are at a low risk for developing diabetes; however, you are still welcome to participate in our Diabetes Prevention Program or register for Healthy Habits for the Long Haul program.

If you scored 5 or higher, you are at increased risk for having prediabetes. If you are a CLASS A OTR driver we encourage you to register for the Diabetes Prevention Program. To register, fill out the information below.


Let's Get Started. Join Our Diabetes Prevention Program Today!
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
Selected Value: 1
1 - very low energy, 5 - very high energy level
Selected Value: 1
1 - completely sedentary, 3 - activity a few times each week, 5 - active for an hour each day
Selected Value: 1
1 - consistently poor sleep, 5 - sleep is consistently great
Selected Value: 1
1 - very poor, 5 - great
Selected Value: 1
1 - one bottle of water, 5 - five or more bottles of water
Selected Value: 1