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APU Exemption Guide

APUs (auxiliary power units) are used by a large amount of truckers to assist in limiting fuel use since they reduce the need to run their trucks engines on idle while parked. But seeing as they usually weigh several hundred pounds, they may be an obstacle for drivers...

NAIT Donates Again!

St. Christopher Truckers Fund received a sizable donation this past week at the Great American Trucking Show in Dallas, Texas. David King, NAIT’s Vice President of Association Programs, donated $100,000 to help drivers in need!  Watch what David has to say about...

SCF Will Be at GATS!

St. Christopher Truckers Fund staff will be attending GATS again this year. We will be located in the Health Pavilion in booth #24169. Stop by and say “hello” and also register for Blue Tiger Headset to be given away on Saturday . You do not have to...