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Tom Heinz, owner of Coffee Cup Fuel Stops has guaranteed at least $20,000 to St. Christopher Truckers Fund! If Band Together wrist band sales exceed this amount the proceeds will be higher accordingly.

Coffee Cup Fuel Stops is having its first Band Together Campaign for St. Christopher Truckers Fund to benefit drivers who have a financial difficulty due to a medical condition.  Stop by during the month of April and pick up your wristband to support your fellow drivers.

Your donations make a difference!

Below is a testimony by driver with ICD implant:

After driving for almost 30 years, I’ve had to come off the road due to heart problems.  Had a quad bypass operation in July and had an ICD implant this past Feb. Unfortunately I can’t drive commercially with an ICD. Medical bills were piling up and it was a struggle to even make the necessary monthly bills. St. Christopher stepped in a provided enough money to make payment on our monthly bills and give me a head start on next month’s. I am thankful for their help in this difficult time.