Each week St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund receives applications from truckers that are experiencing life altering injuries or illnesses. Some drivers may have debilitating injuries while others have serious health problems such as a heart attack, stroke or cancer. In 2016, SCF assisted over 300 professional truck drivers with $377,335.28. This involves paying living expenses such as rent, mortgage and utilities directly to creditors on behalf of drivers.
Offering assistance to drivers would not be possible without the continued donations of corporate sponsors. We would like to thank each of the following sponsors that gave during the last fiscal quarter for your support of SCF and making it possible for us to “stand in the gap” when a driver is unable to work due to a medical condition.
Dr. John’s Medical Solutions Brenny Transportation Koch & Sons Trucking ALK Technologies McCammon Trucking
Pacific Tank Lines Foley Carrier Services Stay Metrics
RIHM Kenworth Paragon Solutions Four State Trucks
Mike Lawshe of Paragon Solutions has this to say about his support of SCF.
“This industry has been very good to me. For 30 years, I have had the privilege of serving this industry as a consultant and designer. I wanted to put my mouth where my money is and share why I support St Christopher fund. For years, I have supported the St Christopher Fund because I know my money is going directly to the drivers in need. It is not some anonymous donation. It changes lives. Thank you St Christopher Fund for all you do.”
From the desk of William Rihanek, Director of Human Resources at Stan Koch & Sons…
“We are delighted that you have assisted a few of our drivers this past year and are continuing to provide assistance to all drivers when in need. We share with our drivers that this is both a charity to support and a benefit to our drivers.”
Again, thank you to each of these sponsors for helping us “Save Lives and Families, One Driver at at Time”.
If you are interested in learning more about St. Christopher Truckers Fund or would like to make a donation, visit www.truckersfund.org, call 865-202-9428 or email [email protected].