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Health Articles

Get the latest tips, news, and information on a healthier lifestyle in or out of your truck! Take control of your health, and learn how to make positive changes that will last a lifetime.

My Journey to Healthy Living

Truck driving is a tough job; you either love it or you do something else. The long hours, the lack of sleep, and the lack of exercise all contributed to my health problems. by Ron Morton . I have no one to blame but myself. I made poor choices and ate all the wrong...

Excessive Thirst And Diabetes

  By John McElligott, MD Question: I am incredibly thirsty all the time. I drink plenty of water, coffee, juice and bottled iced tea, but just can't seem to get enough. Is something wrong with me? There are a number of reasons for being so thirsty, but my main...

Yes, You Can Cook In A Truck

By Kari Fisher, Missing Driver Alert Network Truck cooking can be easy and creative and is a much healthier option to the fast-food options offered at truck stops. If you have no inverter installed in your truck, a small 400 watt 12-volt installation will operate a 2...


Grief in the Trucking Industry By Buck Black, Trucker Therapy Unfortunately, there has been a lot of death in the trucking industry which is part of the reason why most truckers seriously research life insurance before stepping into the driving cabin. It is very...

Healthy Eating Advice for Semi-Truck Drivers

It may seem impossible to eat healthy when you are driving across the country, but luckily it isn't. There are truck drivers all over who are able to maintain a healthy diet while hauling loads on the open road. Many have found simple ways to incorporate wholesome...