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ooida sponsorWe are grateful for the support of organizations like OOIDA.  They have been a loyal supporter of St. Christopher Fund and have sent many drivers to us that are in need of financial assistance.  Please visit OOIDA for your owner/operator needs.


The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association is the only national trade association representing the interests of small-business trucking professionals and professional truck drivers. The Association currently has more than 150,000 members nationwide. OOIDA was established in 1973 and is headquartered in the greater Kansas City, MO. area. Call 816-229-5791 to learn more about ways you can benefit from becoming a member or for information about the issues that affect you as a driver or owner-operator. Ask for the membership department.

OOIDA uses the following websites and social media to inform members about the latest issues in trucking.