Two years after the September 2017 inception of the Rigs without Cigs program, it is still going strong and still seeing drivers become tobacco free. Rigs without Cigs (RwC) was created as part of St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund’s efforts to provide preventative health programs for professional drivers across the United States.
On a daily basis, the SCF sees applications where drivers have devastating, life-altering illnesses. Many of the illnesses are directly attributed to smoking/dipping or chewing. “We knew we had to do something to help drivers get healthy, and help them to live their best lives” says Julie Dillon, Rigs without Cigs Coordinator. In addition to the RwC program, drivers can find tobacco tips, tools, and testimonies on the SCF website, and can join the RwC Facebook Group for accountability and support.
As of September 1, 2019, 91 drivers are tobacco free and another 74 have cut back their usage by at least half, with the assistance of the Rigs without Cigs program. Sixty-nine of those drivers have used the Quit Key to help them quit using tobacco.
The Quit Key is a small device that looks like a key fob. It helps a person quit by gathering information on their smoking habits and tailoring a program designed specifically for the individual, to help them quit gradually. One driver had this to say concerning RwC and the Quit Key, “Thank you for finding this Quit Key and for your support. I’ve been looking for something like this to wean me off. I’ve tried many approaches to quitting that really didn’t address the issue of dependency like this does”.
Other programs are available to help people quit smoking but Rigs without Cigs is the only program tailored to meet the needs of truckers. It offers drivers incentives to become tobacco free and stay that way. If a driver stops using tobacco and stays tobacco free, they are eligible for cash and prize incentives worth over $600. These are provided thanks to the sponsorship of companies like Road Pro, Brenny Transportation, Progressive Commercial Territory, and Armstrong Tire.
What was originally intended to be a year-long program, is now an ongoing program due to its impact on drivers. Currently, 108 drivers are active participants in the program. One recent program participant says, “Constant encouragement and accountability strategies from Rigs without Cigs has helped me reach my 8th week of nicotine freedom! I estimate my savings so far at $650.”
For information on Rigs without Cigs, to register for the program, or to learn more about St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund, visit the SCF website here.