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CAC (Community Action Center or Agency) – helps with utilities, food, jobs, medical, etc. Click here and enter your state and county. Apply for food stamps

CMV Driver Med Exam – A mobile app for drivers to get ready for their DOT physical.

Truckers Final Mile – A charity that will help truck drivers who are injured or have passed away while over the road.    .

Dial 211 – sponsored by United Way, helps with utilities and finds local resources.

Social Security Survivor Benefits –

How to Negotiate Medical Bills –

Patient Advocate Foundation – MULTIPLE resources, from help with medical bills, to financial help in your area, 800-532-5274,

Trucker Charity – helps get stranded drivers home, 1-888-523-0087,

Free Gas USA, Inc – Free Gas USA gasoline grant program provides grants for fuel purchases ranging from $50 to $1,200 dollars.Qualified applicants must meet the federal guidelines of living at or below the poverty level and submit an agency referral with their application.

Raise money /

Help paying bills

People Working Cooperatively –help with home modifications and repair in Kentucky, Ohio & Indiana,

Funeral Assistance-

ACCESS by AT&T-  Internet assistance for anyone who qualifies for  SNAP

Comcast Internet Essentials – Internet assistance for anyone who qualifies for reduced student lunches. $10 per month.

Patient Education Resources –


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