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Truck Stop Ministries – ministers to the trucking industry and their families by utilizing the following tools:* Chaplaincy Program * Missionary Driver Program * Website * Bi-Monthly Newsletter * Radio Program* CD Ministry* Bible Study Correspondence Courses* 24-Hour Trucker Prayer Line* Tracts and other printed material* 24-Hour Call-in Devotional Line

Buck Black Therapy – 765-807-6778,     online/Skype/phone therapy in the state of Indiana.

Life Coach Service –  Confidential help is just a phone call away with proven techniques and information that can put you back on life’s road to success.
Anxiety Disorders Foundation –  Provides financial assistance for individuals in need suffer from anxiety disorders or obsessive compulsive disorders.

1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-273-TALK They are available 24/7 and are set legally to address suicide.

Talk Space –

Better Help –

E-Counseling –


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