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Air Care Alliance –  Provides air transportation for medical care for those in need. 1-888-260-9707,
Airlift Hope –  Provides air transportation for children and adults who need to travel by air for medical treatment. Patients must be ambulatory and not in need of medical care during the flight. 1-800-325-8908,
Angel Flight –  Provides free transportation for medical care for those in need.
Corporate Angel Network –  Provides free air transportation for cancer patients in need of medical treatment. 1-866-328-1313
Angel Wheels –  Provides ground transportation to patients in need. Patients must be ambulatory. They must not be in need of medical care during trip or they must bring someone who can assist them if needed. Patient must be going to the doctor. 1-800-768-0238
Pilots for Christ International – Provides free air transportation to individuals or groups in need. Eligible passengers include ambulatory persons, relatives who need to visit seriously ill patients, or others in need of emergency assistance. 616-884-6241,

TransAlive – Serving the traveling public for 40 years

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