Health Articles
Get the latest tips, news, and information on a healthier lifestyle in or out of your truck! Take control of your health, and learn how to make positive changes that will last a lifetime.
Facebook Live with Dr. John-Tobacco Usage and How to Handle Cravings
Dr. John McElligott talks about the detriments of smoking and the toll that it takes on the body. He also discusses cravings and how to deal with them.
American Heart Association New High Blood Pressure Guideline
Monday, the American Heart Association announced that it is changing the blood pressure guidelines for the first time in fourteen years. Under the new guideline a person will be considered to have high blood pressure if their reading measures above 130/80. The changes...
Trucker Shares Journey to a Tobacco Free Life
Jody Valenzuela began smoking at the ripe old age of 13. Now, at the age of 51, he has been tobacco free for over a year. Being smoke-free has changed Jody's life and he wants to share his story with others, in hopes that it will offer encouragement and be the...
“Run with Jazzy” Where Is Jazzy Now?
j It's been seven years since Jazzy ran across America to raise awareness for drivers in need. In 2010, 16-year-old Jazzy Jordan ran over 3,000 miles, collecting donations along the way to benefit St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund. Get the update on Run for...
Doc Bud’s Fit Worker FAB 5 Workout For Truckers
SCF is excited to have Dr. Bud Harris as a guest contributor on our blog site. Dr. Bud has written an article concerning his FAB5 training routine. This simple 15 minute workout has helped dozens of people. It is called HiiT: High Intensity Interval Training where...
The Driven to Be Healthy Challenge Winners Are….
Driven to Be Healthy is a six month health challenge that is sponsored by SCF. Two professional truckers are awarded a Grand Prize at the end of the competition. Read about our winners, what motivates them and the keys to their success HERE.
Think You May Need a Sleep Study?
Many drivers go for their DOT physical and get the news that they need to have a sleep study completed before they can get back out on the road. This can be an extreme financial hardship for the driver and his/her family. A sleep study can help to determine whether...
Heart Attacks-They Don’t Just Happen to Men
At St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund every month, we work with truck drivers that have experienced the devastating effects of a heart attack. After a heart attack, the heart is very weak and that can cause several concerns for the body and its recovery. A good diet...
Truckers Relief Fund Vaccine Program Successful Once Again
Part of the mission of St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund is to provide programs that will benefit professional drivers and the trucking industry. For the second straight year the SCF has had a successful vaccine program. With sponsorship from National Association...
SCF Board Member and Driver, Rick Ash, Receives FREE Shingles Vaccine
I just got back from a walk over to my local Kroger grocery store (King Soopers here in Colorado). I went there to get my FREE shingles vaccination at the Little Clinic within the store. The Little Clinic was out of the vaccine but I was able to get it in the...